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Want to get on top of your festive Christmas prep?
Does Christmas planning get you in a spin sometimes? Do you buy gifts and stash them away and then forget about them (or worse forget where you hid them - just me?) Would a little bit of inspiration and a few beautifully designed lists help you? And would it be just pure magic if they were free?
Well, let me just wave my magic wand!
Hi there! I'm Betsy, and I'm a total sucker for all things Christmas. When I launched my online retail gift brand, Betsy Benn, I had no idea just how busy Christmas could get.
After 14 years of running a business that gets incredibly hectic at Christmas time, I know what helps me to keep on track of my own festive prep. And now I'm sharing it with you. For free!
There are seven brilliant documents included in this free download.
- A five week Christmas holidays planner. Perfect if you need to keep track of childcare, clubs, social events, and work commitments during the school holidays. A normal calendar was just not created to cope with that!
- An inspiration list of gift ideas for a Christmas Eve box for all age groups
- A Christmas Eve Box Planner so you can list what you have bought and what you intend to get.
- An Advent Calendar gift tracker so you can work out what you're going to give on each day. For inspiration on what to include in the perfect DIY advent calendar, have a read of our blog post here.
- A Christmas Gift Tracker. The perfect place to note down gifts you have ordered online (and when they should arrive), gift ideas that come to your mind in the middle of the night, and where you've popped them for safe storage!
- A Stocking Gift Tracker. Same as the Christmas Gift Tracker, but for stockings.
- A list of the Things You're Not Going to Do! Because Christmas is just one day, and you can't and shouldn't try to EVERYTHING. Pop all your ideas here and then cross out the ones that are unrealistic and let them go with kindness. Not sure what I mean? Well, once I was going to string battery powered candles across the entire ceiling of my kitchen to create a Harry Potter style dining hall. For one meal. For one day. It was a beautiful idea, but would have cost a fortune, created so much work for me, and probably only I and the spiders in the house would have truly appreciated it. I let that idea float into the "Not Happening" category with my best wishes.
Click on the image above to download your PDF.
How to PRINT your download.
If you have a home printer that can go to the size you want then HOORAY. Just just choose the "print to fit page" option and away you go.
If you want to go bigger (say for the wall planner) then you can try Ryman and/or Tesco - both of whom have in-store and online order options.
Click on the main image at the very top of this page to get the six sheets of planning lists.
To get your free five-week Christmas holiday wall planner, CLICK HERE.

Christmas Experts Right Here!
Oh, we love Christmas so much at Betsy Benn. We start planning our Christmas range each January so it's handy that we love it!
If you want some epic gift ideas for stockings then check out our Stocking Fillers Collection.